Monday, December 20, 2010

How have you grown as a mathematician at Vanguard?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From my freshman year to now, my senior year ,I do feel like I have grown as a mathematician. Of course my knowledge of different formulas and mathematical phrases has increased but I don’t think that judges your growth because anyone can remember a^2 +B^2=c^2. Knowing when to use it shows your improvement. I feel like strategically I’ve grown being able to cipher when to use certain methods. I’ve also improved in working as a group and being not so shy to ask questions about problems. This has helped me become a better math student. Since 9th grade I’ve surprised myself with the patience that I’ve grown to have with myself, my teacher, group, peers, and partners. With group mates I have become more understanding to people not grasping things as quickly as I do so therefore I try to assist them. Along with becoming patient with my team mates I have become more patient with my self, showing all of my work not rushing for quantity of work but actually quality.